Ambassador Rewards
Personal Coupon Code to use for referral bookings
Personal Ambassador Cards with your name on them to give out with your coupon code
$25 CASH for every One-Time or Monthly Cleaning referral booked*
$50 CASH for every Monthly Cleaning referral booked*
$75 CASH for every Weekly Cleaning referral booked*
$150 CASH for every person you refer that earns free cleanings through our Ambassador Program**
Free Cleaning on a Monthly basis for 5 referrals per month***
Free Cleaning on a Bi-Weekly basis for 6-10 referrals per month***
Free Cleanings on a Weekly basis for 10+ referrals per month***
Company Swag to wear, promote & enjoy
Invites to all Company social and community events
Recognition as part of our Team on OUR social media platforms
* Booking referrals are paid on the 15th of the month following when the 1st referred service
was completed​
** Ambassador referrals are paid on the 15th of the month
following the new Ambassador's 5th referral
*** Free cleanings are contingent on our availability